
sexta-feira, maio 25, 2007

Crioterapia após lesão dos tecidos moles.

Neste estudo Randomizado, controlado e duplo cego , envolvendo 74 pacientes som histórico de lesão de tecidos moles traumáticos, com um grupo controle Placebo e outro com uso de gel frio.As conclusões demonstraram que o resultado final foi favorável ao grupo que utilizou gel crioterapêutico, isto vem a corroborar o que se preconizava que o gelo diminui a dor e evita maiores edemas pós traumáticos.

Agradeço ao texto a drª Inês Nakashima que participa do grupo Fisioterapiaquiropráxica.

Author/Association: Airaksinen OV, Kyrklund N, Latvala K, Kouri
JP, Gronblad M, Kolari P
Title: Efficacy of cold gel for soft tissue injuries: a prospective
randomized double-blinded trial
Source: The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2003 Sept/Oct;31
Method: clinical trial
Method Score: 9/10 [Eligibility criteria: No; Random allocation:
Yes; Concealed allocation: Yes; Baseline comparability: Yes; Blind
subjects: Yes; Blind therapists: No; Blind assessors: Yes; Adequate
follow-up: Yes; Intention-to-treat analysis: Yes; Between-group
comparisons: Yes; Point estimates and variability: Yes. Note:
Eligibility criteria item does not contribute to total score] *This
score has been confirmed*
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The use of cold treatment to limit edema,
decrease pain, and induce effective muscle relaxation in soft tissue
injuries is widespread. PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of a novel
cold gel with that of a placebo gel in patients with a soft tissue
injury. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized double-blinded
controlled study. METHODS: Seventy-four patients with sports-related
soft tissue injury were randomly assigned to active cold gel (Ice
Power) or placebo gel groups. The gel was applied four times daily on
the skin for 14 days. Clinical assessment was made after 7, 14, and
28 days with use of visual analog scale ratings. RESULTS: Pain scores
decreased from 59 to 30 during the first week, to 14 by the second,
and to 7 by the end of study in the cold gel group. In the placebo
group, pain scores decreased from 58 to 45, 26, and 13, respectively
(significant difference). Patient satisfaction with treatment was 71
in the cold gel group and 44 in the placebo group (significant
difference). Disability decreased significantly more rapidly in the
cold gel group. CONCLUSIONS: Cold gel therapy provided an effective
and safe treatment for sports-related soft tissue injuries.

Estou mandando este resumo de artigo que é bem válido, sendo
ranqueado em nota 9 de 0-10, ou seja, é muito bom.

Ótimo final de semana a todos!




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